We implemented the following project features this week:
Map (Howard)
- Overhauled tutorial scene environment
Enemy (Alan)
- Added enemy health
- Added enemy defeat state
- Fixed stick attack failing to register hits
Player (Sam)
- Added punch reset zone
- Added attacks deflectable with left/right hand only
- Fixed glove orientation
Player/Punch (Jacob)
- Added punch calibration framework (unused this sprint)
- Added squat calibration framework (unused this sprint)
Gameplay Changes
A Blistering Backdrop
AKA the new level environment
Our flashiest change this sprint was the addition of a theme-appropriate level environment. Howard spent much of his work time this sprint constructing our first scene: a magical cave filled with lava. While this scenery certainly doesn't match the pace of a tutorial, we hope to make other backdrops to fill those gaps and create an immersive fantasy dungeon.
Visualizing Enemy Vitality
AKA the boss health bar
One thing that had been missing from our game was a way for the player to win. We decided to alleviate this problem by adding a health bar to our enemy base. Currently, the player wins when they beat the current enemy, but we have toyed with the idea of making levels consist of multiple smaller enemies and a boss that the player would fight successively. Look forward to level design changes in that vein in the next week.
Stifling Slothful Strikes
AKA making sure the player actually punches
Our project last week had a severe flaw in that the player could deflect all of the boss's attacks by just holding their remote in front of their head. Allowing this to go on would undermine the game's purpose as a fitness tool, so we came up with a system to help prevent it. Sam's work this week focused on creating a way to check that the player extends their arm for each punch, and that they retract it before punching again. This hit detection system still needs some bug fixes, though, as currently it prevents some players from being able to deflect any attacks. As such, we had to leave the system out of our week's deliverable. We hope for the system to come back strong next sprint with a similar mechanism that senses when the player has squatted and come back up to help encourage larger movements when dodging.
Accommodating Assorted Arm Lengths
AKA making punch detection take into account the player's arm length
The improved punch detection system did itself create another problem in that a static threshold might shut out players with shorter arms, or be trivial to circumvent for players with longer arms. Our solution to this, and Jacob's work for the week, was to create a system that measures the player's arm length during an initial calibration and uses that to create the punch system's threshold at runtime. Unfortunately, due to the issues surrounding the punch detection script this sprint, we had to forgo this system as well. Next sprint, it too will be back and improved by measuring the player's squat distance accordingly with the dodge detection system outlined above.
Organizational and Monetization Changes
Welcome to our Wonderful Website
Presenting Fantasy Boxing's very own website, only a week overdue. We now have an online presence where prospective users can get an idea of our product before buying, complete with fancy visuals and pricing information.
A New Target Audience
After receiving feedback for last week's sprint, we took a second look at who exactly we want to play this game. Previously, we had decided that the game should appeal to children without realizing exactly how unsafe it is to expose children to contact sports, even virtually. We decided a more reasonable audience would be people, ages 14 and up, who want to be more fit and active, but who struggle with other types of fitness activities. Fantasy Boxing may be a fitness game, but at its core, it is still a game, and we hope that it will be much more fun, engaging, and approachable for players than traditional exercise.
More Monetization
To keep in line with our new target audience, we have also expanded our proposed monetization options. We still plan to follow a freemium model for individual users, with purchasable content such as premium levels, glove customization, and other cosmetics.
We still plan to have a system that connects players to personal trainers, but instead of containing that transaction within our app, we will sell licenses to trainers and gyms to use our trainer interface. The trainer interface will allow trainers to curate levels for their students in order to focus on specific movements, and to view their clients' statistics on one neat dashboard.
As a stretch goal, we would also love to also create a business subscription model that allows non-gym organizations such as libraries and schools to purchase licenses and work with a Fantasy Boxing affiliated trainer to design routines for their students or patrons.
What's Up Next?
In the coming weeks, we hope to add the following features:
Level progression with multiple bosses
More specific boxing move recognition (e.g. hook vs. jab)
Punch and Dodge detection
A shop system using in-game currency
A cosmetics and premium levels storefront
Post-level fitness statistics
Stay tuned for next week's devlog!